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Millionaire Monkey, Indian Couple's Sole Heir

Awesome Monkey

A childless couple from Uttar Pradesh in India has an unusual plan that made a pet monkey their sole heir; It includes a house, land and bank accounts. The couples also found a trust that will feed the monkeys that are suffering, starving due to cutting down of forests, and have been removed from their natural habitat. After the monkey dies, all wealth goes to the trust.

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monkey eating bananaThe monkey, named Chunman, has been raised like a son by his owners Brajesh Srivastava and wife Shabista since his mother died in 2005. The couple considers Chunmun to be their lucky charm, saying couples weren’t so rich earlier; they've only had prosperity since he came into their lives.

Chunmun is now 10 years old, but his species can live for between 35 and 40 years. If the monkey outlives his owners, they want to make sure that there will be someone to look after him. The decision to leave their possessions to Chunmun was partly because the couple had been antagonized by their families because they didn't approve the inter religion marriage.


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